Pretrial Reform

Information that you can use right now.


The Most Under-Utilized Tool in Pretrial

Issuing citations instead of arrests is one of the most under-utilized tools in achieving better pretrial outcomes. So why aren’t more supervision agencies talking to their law enforcement partners about their citation usage?

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Abstract Digital Pretrial Solutions

Rebooting Pretrial Services in San Diego County

San Diego County Pretrial Services has seen it all. From its original multi-agency oversight to present-day operation under our County Sheriff, we’ve overcome significant hurdles; including a time in recent years when lack of funding eliminated pretrial services altogether – compromising community safety and individual wellbeing across the county.

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3 Fears To Overcome on Pretrial Reform

In the last few years, pretrial reform has accelerated to an almost breakneck speed. The traditional practice of setting monetary bail based strictly on a person’s current criminal charges and their criminal history is shifting to practices that look for alternative ways to handle pretrial decisions based on a person’s risk level. Those who work in corrections are wondering how to navigate a system that will no longer rely on money bail.

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