Information that you can use right now.
The Crucial Role of Data and Analytics for Informed Pretrial Decision-Making
By: Daniela Imig, Implementation Specialist, equivant Pretrial The importance of data and analytics in improving decision-making processes in the criminal justice system, especially during the pretrial phase, cannot be overstated. Pretrial decisions can have a
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Pretrial Assessments
By Daniela Imig, Implementation Specialist Pretrial risk assessments traditionally rely on a combination of static factors, including the defendant’s criminal history and the severity of the offense, and dynamic factors, such as substance use
How to Integrate a Trauma-Informed Perspective Into Your Pretrial Work and Team
by Daniela Imig, equivant Pretrial Implementation Specialist Pretrial services play a crucial role in our criminal justice system. As such, pretrial team members and leaders must continue to evolve and learn to better serve justice-involved
How Pretrial Services Can Reduce FTAs
By: Daniela Imig, Implementation Specialist, equivant Pretrial One of the cornerstones of the criminal justice system is accountability, and when defendants fail to appear for their scheduled court dates, either willfully or due to other
Pretrial Diversion Options Through Treatment Courts
By: Daniela Imig, Implementation Specialist Research has shown us that incarceration has not made us safer; in fact, it can actually harm communities. Relying on imprisonment fails to address the root causes of criminal behavior
The Role of Pretrial Assessments & Bail Reform in a Just Legal System
By: Erin King, Customer Success Manager at equivant Supervision + Pretrial When it comes to navigating the intricate landscape of bail reform within the framework of our justice system, ensuring fairness in legal proceedings is
What Should You Expect From Your Customer Experience?
By Erin King, equivant Supervision + Pretrial Customer Success Manager Customer experience, sometimes known as CX, refers to the overall interaction a customer has with a company throughout their entire journey. It encompasses every touchpoint,
Safeguarding Data in your Pretrial Management System
By Doug Boude, Software Development Manager, equivant The safeguarding of sensitive information is a paramount concern as technology continues to play a pivotal role in the criminal justice realm. Criminal Justice Software Companies like equivant
2023: Year In Review
By: Erin King & Tina Larson, Managers of Customer Success & Professional Services, equivant Pretrial + Supervision As we reflect on the past year, equivant Pretrial + Supervision is proud to have witnessed supervision
How Our Partners Show Team Appreciation
By: Erin King, equivant Supervision + Pretrial Customer Success Manager In the pretrial industry, showing appreciation to teams is crucial for fostering a positive work environment, boosting morale, and increasing overall productivity. Here are
Enhancing Justice: How a Dedicated Judicial Portal Creates Efficiencies
By: Erin King, Customer Success Manager, equivant Supervision + Pretrial Pretrial detention has been empirically shown to have significant detrimental effects on individuals, families, and the communities in which they are detained. Negative effects include
Five Key Differences Between equivant’s Validated Pretrial Risk Assessment Tool and Others on the Market
By: Genie Jackson, Research Team Lead, equivant Supervision + Pretrial There are many pretrial risk assessment tools available to pretrial professionals; although all are designed to produce information to support pretrial decisions while still allowing