How Pretrial Services Can Reduce FTAs

By: Daniela Imig, Implementation Specialist, equivant Pretrial

One of the cornerstones of the criminal justice system is accountability, and when defendants fail to appear for their scheduled court dates, either willfully or due to other obstacles, the bedrock of the whole system is challenged. Pretrial services offer a promising solution to address this issue and enhance the overall efficiency and fairness of the justice system.

The Problem:

When individuals do not show up for their court dates, it can lead to delays in the legal process, increased workload for court personnel, and potential risks to public safety. Additionally, it can result in the issuance of bench warrants, further entangling individuals in the justice system.

How Pretrial Services Can Help:

Pretrial services are designed to assist courts in making informed decisions about releasing individuals before their trial dates. These programs aim to balance public safety concerns with the principles of due process and fairness. By providing valuable information to judges about the risks and needs of defendants, pretrial services can help reduce failures to appear (FTA) in the following ways:

  • Risk Assessment: Pretrial services often conduct risk assessments to evaluate the likelihood of a defendant failing to appear in court or committing new offenses while awaiting trial. By providing judges with this information, they can make more informed decisions about whether to release individuals and what conditions to impose to mitigate risks.
  • Court Date Reminders: The simplest interventions are often the most successful, and court date reminders through text messages or phone calls are one of the most effective strategies in reducing failures to appear. Pretrial services can help ensure that defendants are aware of their upcoming court dates and understand the importance of attending.
  • Supervision and Monitoring: Pretrial services may offer supervision and monitoring services for released defendants. This can include regular check-ins, drug testing, electronic monitoring, and other measures to ensure compliance with court orders. By keeping track of defendants and providing support, pretrial services can help reduce failures to appear.
  • Support Services: In addition to supervision, pretrial services may also offer support services to defendants, such as substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, or access to housing and employment assistance. By addressing underlying issues that may contribute to failures to appear, these services can help individuals stay engaged in the legal process.

Failures to appear in court pose challenges to the efficiency and fairness of the criminal justice system. Pretrial services offer a valuable solution to address this issue by providing risk assessments, supervision, support services, and court date reminders to defendants. By utilizing pretrial services, courts can make more informed decisions about releasing individuals, reduce failures to appear, and ultimately enhance the effectiveness and fairness of the justice system. For more information about pretrial supervision or reducing FTAS, please contact us

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