Level-Up Your Pretrial Practice in Four Key Ways



If you could take your pretrial practice to the next level, what would that look like? Better community responsiveness? Increased efficiency? More flexibility for your team? Improved accuracy? Every agency’s specific goals are different, and that’s why Northpointe Suite Pretrial makes it easy to add on the right mix of components to meet your needs.

Community Responsiveness

With Northpointe Suite Pretrial, you already have the end-to-end support you need to treat each case participant with dignity and respect, ensuring all agencies are collaborating effectively and nothing slips through the cracks.

Next-Level: When justice-involved people ask for a little extra help, use the COMPAS Needs Assessment to target the right resources that can increase their chances of success.


From customized fields and dashboards to seamless tracking and real-time updates, Northpointe Suite Pretrial easily integrates with your current business practices and helps your team move through every task more efficiently.

Next-Level: Centralize operations and expertly manage workloads and milestones for the entire team with Workload Manager, which can also serve as your system of record for contact standard compliance.


Optional screeners, ad hoc data extraction, a forms designer tool … as your team flexes and adapts to community, stakeholder, and agency needs, Northpointe Suite Pretrial is right there with you.

Next-Level: Give your team even greater flexibility and mobility with the Query Portal, allowing them to access predetermined data points from anywhere, even outside your system, in a completely secure environment.


Part of the Northpointe Suite Pretrial implementation process includes specialized training for your team, no matter their level of computer literacy, to help ensure everyone is using the system and the data as effectively as possible.

Next-Level: Add automated Assessment Quality Checks to your internal processes to ensure your team is entering assessment data accurately and to identify barriers and issues before they affect your work.

No matter what goals you’re driving toward, Northpointe Suite Pretrial can help. One of the many benefits of working with a 360-degree solution provider is that we have tools for every facet of the justice process, and we can help you seamlessly integrate value-add components to meet your specific needs.

Get in touch today for a free demo and to talk to our experts about your pretrial needs.

equivant Pretrial Insights