Information that you can use right now.
How Our Partners Show Team Appreciation
By: Erin King, equivant Supervision + Pretrial Customer Success Manager In the pretrial industry, showing appreciation to teams is crucial for fostering a positive work environment, boosting morale, and increasing overall productivity. Here are
Enhancing Justice: How a Dedicated Judicial Portal Creates Efficiencies
By: Erin King, Customer Success Manager, equivant Supervision + Pretrial Pretrial detention has been empirically shown to have significant detrimental effects on individuals, families, and the communities in which they are detained. Negative effects include
Five Key Differences Between equivant’s Validated Pretrial Risk Assessment Tool and Others on the Market
By: Genie Jackson, Research Team Lead, equivant Supervision + Pretrial There are many pretrial risk assessment tools available to pretrial professionals; although all are designed to produce information to support pretrial decisions while still allowing
How is a Pretrial Assessment Validated?
By: Genie Jackson, PhD, Research Team Lead at equivant Pretrial The use of validated risk assessments to achieve optimal, measurable reductions in pretrial failure rates is key. Validation helps to ensure the instruments your
Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week: 7 (Free!) Ways to Make the Lives of Staff Easier Every Day
National Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week is July 16-27, 2023, and is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for the dedicated professionals with whom you work by leveraging opportunities to make their work lives
Pretrial Release Assessments – Measuring What Matters
Reforming pretrial practices has been a major focus of jurisdictions around the nation over the past several years. And at the core of these reformation initiatives are pretrial release assessments. Actuarial pretrial assessments are one
Six Essential Steps to Developing and Revising Pretrial Services
Pretrial reform is sweeping the country. If your agency is ready to engage in this worthwhile endeavor, where do you begin? Developing and revising pretrial services requires a collaborative process that involves various stakeholders, including
Keep ‘em Separated – Pretrial and Probation: More than Just Practice
By: Erin King, Customer Success Manager The Background While the functions, strategies, and practices of pretrial and probation agencies might seem similar, it is crucial to keep them separate. This separation is recognized as a
Does your Pretrial Services System Incorporate NAPSA Standards?
By: Erin King, Customer Success Manager Pretrial reform continues to gain positive momentum across the nation. Guided by decades of evidenced-based standards and promulgated by the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA), the delivery
Using Your Pretrial Workflow to Inform and Drive Your Process
Judicial systems across the country may structurally be the same, but their processes can be vastly different. This variability requires software solutions that are flexible enough to support agency demands, inclusive of pretrial reform. Rather
The Practitioner’s Perspective: How equivant Pretrial Software Solutions are Developed and Revised
By: Erin King, equivant Manager of Customer Success Software solutions are only as good as their ability to adapt, evolve, and solve challenges for users. As you are well aware, agencies are stretched to the
The Developer’s Perspective: How equivant Pretrial Software Solutions are Developed and Revised
By: Doug Boude, Director of Research & Development Software solutions are measured by their ability to adapt, evolve, and solve challenges for users while maintaining a consistent and easy-to-use user experience release to release. This