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Solutions: Data Integrations

Bridge data between different systems and create easily navigable, comprehensive information hubs.

When specific details about a defendant live in more than one system and cannot easily be shared with another, it creates silos of information and applications that can waste time, and hinder effective pretrial assessments and supervision. The value of a single, user-friendly interface for pretrial management cannot be overstated. That’s why we provide integrations that bring together disparate systems to make tools and data easily accessible and workflows more effective.

Pretrial Data Interface Graohic
Data Sync Icons


Northpointe Suite Data integrations give agencies the flexibility to choose from a number of built-in data exchanges common throughout every implementation of our software. Our future-proof implementation of data integrations creates a reliable resource that puts your data fields front and center.

Data integrations can be customized in a number of ways, allowing for additional features and interactions between disparate systems to create pre-filled forms, automated assessment results, and much more. For example, our integrations allow for court dates from the local court data system to be integrated to avoid the tremendous risk of miscommunicating out-of-date court date information.

Additionally, our expert support team ensures interfaces are integrated into your existing case management system and can work seamlessly with third-party systems.


  • Ensures court dates, charge information, and defendant demographics and other key data can be accessed by stakeholders at-a-glance
  • Northpointe Suite API allows partner agencies to build agency-specific integrations to fit the specific needs of their stakeholders, defendants, and workflow
  • Personalized data streams for judicial officers, judges, pretrial professionals, and other stakeholders
  • Connects data across platforms avoiding double and triple data entry and ensuring reports are using the latest information
  • Automated court reminders are linked directly to the system of record of the local court system to improve FTA rates.


  • Pretrial Service Agencies
  • Courts
  • Pretrial and Probation Officers
  • Supervisors
  • Administrators
  • Directors
  • Defendants


The ability to access and share data across software solutions and between agencies, departments, and stakeholders is absolutely essential to pretrial supervision and workflows – and that takes having a future-proof set of APIs, the technical know-how to connect disparate solutions, as well as the practical knowledge to make it easy to use. Because we employ proven software engineers and expert practitioners with decades of industry experience and we have created hundreds of interfaces across agencies of all kinds, we can provide high-functioning data integrations between your agency and partners while serving the needs of defendants and your community.


  • Easy-to-understand and navigate standardized and self-documenting integrations
  • Confidence in a solution developed by a mature software company focused on the needs of practitioners and agencies
  • Experienced and expert support to enhance, alter, or build your integrations
  • All defendant information in one place means time savings
  • Services including data exchange analysis, data integration planning and project management, data exchange testing, and easy extensions based on changing requirements
  • A proven Northpointe Suite Data Exchange API that is used by state and county agencies across the United States
  • A proven, person-centered approach

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